Tes Kepribadian - EPPS
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- Achievement : A need to accomplish tasks well
- Deference: A need to conform to customs and defer to others
- Order: A need to plan well and be organized
- Exhibition: A need to be the center of attention in a group
- Autonomy: A need to be free of responsibilities and obligations
- Affiliation: A need to form strong friendships and attachments
- Intraception: A need to analyze behaviors and feelings of others
- Succorance: A need to receive support and attention from others
- Dominance: A need to be a leader and influence others
- Degradation: A need to accept blame for problems and confess errors to others
- Nurturance: A need to be of assistance to others
- Change: A need to seek new experiences and avoid routine
- Endurance: A need to follow through on tasks and complete assignments
- Heterosexuality: A need to be associated with and attractive to members of the opposite sex
- Aggression: A need to express one’s opinion and be critical of others [4]
(Edwards, 1959/1985)[citation needed]
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